Does Rosé Wine Make You Fat?

Ah, rosé! The drink that’s often paired with a romantic dinner.

If it’s among your favorites, you probably don’t even need a special occasion to have it. But is wine really all that good for you? And more specifically, does rosé wine make you fat?

Drinking rose wine in excess can make you fat. A typical serving of Rosé is five ounces, which has around 125 calories. If you have more than one serving, or if you’re drinking it with food, those calories can add up quickly.

No one wants to hear that their favorite drink will make them gain weight, not after you’ve been pushing yourself to the limit at the gym to get that gorgeous body. So, Here’s everything you should know about rosé’s impact on body weight.

glass of rose wine

Does Rosé Wine Cause Belly Fat?

You’ve probably heard of the phrase “beer belly” – the idea that drinking beer leads to weight gain.

This is true. But contrary to popular belief, this effect isn’t limited to beer – it’s all kinds of alcohol. All forms of alcohol contain calories, which, if consumed in excess, will increase inches in your midsection and other areas of your body.

Most light beers have about 103 calories, and regular beers have roughly 153 calories. This means that wines are actually on the lower end when it comes to calorie content.  Rosé wine falls somewhere in between light and regular beers, averaging 121-129 calories per five-ounce glass.

However, imagine how much rosé you’d have to take to keep up with your beer buddies?

In the end, it is clear that weight gain isn’t limited to beer. Therefore, if you’re concerned about weight gain, it’s best to take rosé in moderation.

How Much Rosé Makes You Gain Weight?

A glass of rosé only contains about 121-129 calories, but there are over 600 calories in one bottle of rosé. Depending on how much wine you drink, it could be a significant number of extra calories to your daily intake.

Does Rosé Contain Sugar and Carbohydrates?

White and rosé wines often have residual sugar, which is why they taste sweet. The sweetness in these wines helps balance out the acidity. So, if you’re watching your weight, you can expect about 10 grams/liter or 1.5g of carbohydrates per serving.

Is Rosé Wine More Fattening Than White?

If you’re a wine lover, you probably enjoy different types of wine from time to time. Red wine, white wine, and rosé all have different flavors that add a unique element to your evening. But when it comes to calories, is one type of wine more fattening than the others?

Interestingly enough, rosé tends to be lighter than its red and white counterparts. This means that this wine has less alcohol, which means fewer calories. To be exact, Rosé wine has about 13 and 12 calories less compared to red and white wine, respectively.

How to Drink Rose Wine Without Gaining Weight

No one wants to give up taking a sip of their favorite wine. Luckily, you’re not required to do so. There is a way for you to enjoy your glass without worrying about adding on the extra pounds. Here’s how:

rose wine and fruits

Always Pair Your Rosé with a Healthy Substitute

One of the common mistakes people make is that they drink their wine and then eat unhealthy foods. This will quickly offset any caloric deficit you may have gained from drinking the lighter wine. Instead, try to pair your rosé with a healthy food choice.

Some good options are:

  • Grilled chicken or fish
  • Cucumber
  • Tomato salad
  • Steamed vegetables.

Avoid fried foods and heavy dressings as these will only increase your calorie intake and make you put on unwanted pounds.

Related Article: Fruits That Pair Best With Rosé Wines

Switch to Rosé During Happy Hour, Not Dinner

Another common mistake people make is they save their rosé for dinner. This is the time when the calories really start adding up. So instead of reaching for your glass at dinnertime or after a long day, switch it up and have your first glass during happy hour. This allows you to enjoy your rosé without overindulging.

Alternate Every Drink with Water

As a general rule of thumb, you should always aim to drink twice as much water as you do alcohol. This will help you stay hydrated and prevent the calories from catching up to you. Not to mention, it’s a perfect way to flush out the toxins and may prevent you from having a terrible hangover the next day. Alternate every drink with a glass of water so that way it’s easier to keep track of your consumption for the night.

Have Dinner Early

Alcohol lowers your inhibitors, thereby making you more hungry. As a result, you find that you snack on more food than you usually would. If you have dinner early, you’ll be fuller and less likely to overindulge in alcohol.

However, it’s still crucial to keep your meals light and avoid overindulging. This way, you won’t exceed your calorie intake for the day, and you’ll still be able to enjoy your night out.

Don’t Drink Every Day

It’s essential to limit the amount of drinking you do to prevent weight gain. Drinking in moderation will not only keep your weight in check but is also good for your health. Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to liver disease, heart disease, and other health problems.

So, if you’re looking to have a good time without putting on the pounds, remember these tips:

  • Eat light meals before going out
  • Stay hydrated
  • Drink in moderation
  • Avoid drinking every day.

By following these simple guidelines, you can enjoy your night out while keeping your weight in check.

Opt for Dry Wines

Sweet wines tend to be higher in sugar and calories than dry wines. If you’re looking for a lower-calorie wine option, go for a dry white or red wine. And if rosé is your preferred drink of choice, you can find dry options on the market as well.

These wines tend to have a more assertive flavor profile than their sweeter counterparts, so you may need to adjust your palate accordingly. But once you do, you’ll be able to enjoy a flavorful and refreshing glass of wine without worrying about packing on the pounds.

Related Article: Are All Rosé Wines Sweet?

Wrapping Up

If you were wondering if rosé wine makes you fat, now you know. Rosé contains about 125 calories per serving and therefore can cause weight gain if taken in excess.

So if you’re looking to enjoy your favorite drink without worrying about ruining your midsection, use the tips we’ve shared in this article. They’ll go a long way in helping you ensure you enjoy your favorite drink guilt-free.

Read Also: What to Do With Leftover Rosé Wine

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